Where can I get access to eTextbooks?


With regard to needed textbooks, many of the major publishers and university presses have worked with Vital Source to provide students with free digital textbooks. 

Students can access this program at bookshelf.vitalsource.com.

Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to access free e-books as part of VitalSource Helps:

1. Attend a two-year or four-year institution on a semester academic calendar (Buffalo State College qualifies)
2. Be enrolled in a course or courses that began before March 16, 2020
3. Use an institution-provided e-mail address

This program will run through May 25th 2020.

Before they can begin searching for and reading e-books, students must create a Bookshelf account with their institution-provided e-mail address and log in each time they use the account.

Please e-mail bookstore manager Lynn Puma with questions.


  • Last Updated Apr 02, 2020
  • Views 83
  • Answered By Joseph Riggie

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