Answered By: Eugene J. Harvey, M.L.S., M.S.W.
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2014     Views: 19

Taking the survey is easy! Simply go to the following link:

Every three years, E. H. Butler Library asks the Buffalo State community to complete our library satisfaction survey called LibQUAL+®.  This year, our survey will run through Friday, November 16, 2012, and we are asking for your help.  Taking just 10 minutes to complete this survey is all it takes for your voice to be heard!

Your contribution will make a difference to the library, so tell us what you like and what you think needs changing – but please *tell us.*  We use your feedback to help plan for changes and improvements in how we serve you.  Plus, you will be eligible to win one of 30 prizes if you include your e-mail address.  Over $300 in prizes -- how fun is that!

We’re listening to each and every one of you…and on behalf of the E. H. Butler Library faculty and staff, thank you for your participation!